
28 May 2024

The Registry of Aruba Exhibits at EBACE 2024

Geneva, Switzerland

The Registry of Aruba is proud to announce its participation at the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) 2024, held in Geneva, Switzerland. Renowned as the premier annual meeting place for the European business aviation community, EBACE brings together industry leaders, manufacturers, and enthusiasts from around the globe.

The Registry of Aruba's presence at EBACE marks another significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation. Our dedicated team was on hand to nurture existing client relationships and forge new ones, ensuring personalized attention.

"We aim to provide seamless and efficient service to our global clientele. said Sir Jorge Colindres, Founder & Executive Chairman of The Registry of Aruba, For many years, EBACE has been an incredible platform for connecting with our clients and partners, reinforcing our dedication to supporting their growth and success."

During the exhibition, attendees had the opportunity to engage with our team, discuss the latest industry trends, and explore how The Registry of Aruba continues to provide seamless and efficient solutions tailored to the needs of the global aviation community.

We are delighted with the positive feedback received from our industry peers and the numerous new connections made during the event. EBACE 2024 has once again provided an invaluable platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and fostering collaborations that drive the future of aviation.

The Registry of Aruba remains dedicated to delivering world-class services and supporting the growth and success of our clients. We look forward to continuing our participation in such events and contributing to the advancement of our industry.

Please contact us for more information about registering your aircraft in Aruba and upcoming events.

+1 (305) 471-9889




12 Apr 2022

The Registry of Aruba Launches Sustainability Communication 4WARD

The Registry of Aruba (TROA) has launched a new, digital sustainability publication, 4WARD. The initiative celebrates sustainability in aviation and encourages stakeholders across the industry to step forward with green initiatives, large and small.

TROA’s CEO Alexandria Colindres commended, “Every small action matters. That’s why we’re celebrating innovations and ideas toward a cleaner, regenerative future. One step at a time, it’s all moving us forward. There is a lot of fear in the industry when speaking up about sustainability. Many organizations feel that if they’re not “doing” sustainability perfectly, they should remain quiet to avoid negative scrutiny. This perfectionist approach delays progress, and we hope that 4Ward creates a safe space for brands to speak openly about their sustainability efforts.”

The inaugural edition of your aviation sustainability newsletter from The Registry of Aruba launched in April 2022 including submissions from TROA’s client family, aviation partners, and those curious about the future of sustainable technology.

Alexandria continued, “Let’s not kid ourselves: our planet is suffering from the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and we know that the aviation industry is partly to blame. We emit more than one billion tons of carbon dioxide every year! We have a long way to go before we reach zero-emissions fuel, but we care about clearing the skies around planet Earth right now. We don’t have all the answers, but we believe it’s possible to make incremental changes anyway.”


TROA opened the first edition of 4Ward by sharing its own sustainable efforts which include planting its own forest and reducing its use of paper and plastic.

21 Mar 2022

Humanitarian Efforts With P4-787

 Enrique Piñeyro, renowned filmmaker, owner and pilot of Boeing 787 Dreamliner, P4-787, is now the commander of a humanitarian flight that left Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Sunday, March 20, bound for Warsaw, Poland. The mission was to rescue hundreds of Ukrainians escaping the war and take them to three destinations within Italy, which they completed successfully. Mr. Piñeyro is the founder of the non-profit organization, Solidaire, which has a strategic alliance with Open Arms and various entities that care for refugees

P4-787 had already made its first flight to the rescue last week with a humanitarian flight between Poland and Spain. Piñeyro and his crew put themselves at the service of families who were transferred to new reception spaces managed by refugee entities. The humanitarian flight also transported donations from Argentina. 

In an interview with Infobae, Pineyro recalls the case of a 12-year-old boy, who cried inconsolably in his mother's arms,

“She tried to hold him back, and she was barely taller than him. And her 4-year-old boy looking stunned."

The humanitarian mission will continue as more flights will depart from Warsaw to Rome, Cagliari and Palermo from March 21 for three days in a row. An almost non-stop itinerary. Time is of the essence. Women, children and the elderly, the unfit for combat in Ukraine, are forced to leave their land and their loved ones. To leave behind a part of themselves.

The team's planning for the flight was impeccable and the operation went off without a hitch. Piñeyro worked with his team to brainstorm solutions to any potential problems, made decisions and executed them. Ultimately, this is why they were able to carry out such an extraordinary task successfully. It's precisely this kind of leadership that is essential in times of crisis. 


Source: Infobae

24 Feb 2022

Urgent Notice: DCA of Aruba Official Notification | EASA CZIB-2022-001 Conflict Zone Information Bulletin



Ons/Our nummer: DL/220275                                To: All Operators operating P4-registered aircraft


Oranjestad, 24 February 2022


Ref.: EASA CZIB-20222-01


By means of this you are advised that the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published Conflict Zone Information Bulletin nr. CZIB-2022-01, hereby attached.


Dear Operator:

By means of this you are advised that the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published Conflict Zone Information Bulletin nr. CZIB-2022-01, hereby attached. The contents of this bulletin are hereby considered applicable to all air operators operating aircraft registered in Aruba.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Civil Aviation at



ing. E.F. Kelly, MBA


Department of Civil Aviation of Aruba





Issued date:

Valid until:

Revision no 1 dated 24 February 2022, 12:50 UTC

Referenced publication(s):
Consult Aeronautical Publications issued by the affected Countries indicated below and by the Aviation Authorities of the State of Operator.


Affected Airspace:
All altitudes / flight levels of the following Flight Information Regions: FIR LVIV (UKLV), FIR KYIV (UKBV), UIR KYIV (UKBU), FIR DNIPROPETROVSK (UKDV), FIR SIMFEROPOL (UKFV), FIR ODESA (UKOV)

All altitudes / flight levels of the FIR CHISINAU (LUUU)

All altitudes / flight levels of the airspace within 100NM surrounding the borders

with Ukraine in the FIR MOSCOW (UUWW) and FIR Rostov (URRV)

A portion of the southern FIR Rostov (URRV) airspace along the border with eastern

Ukraine (NOTAM URRV U0104/22)



Applies to operators
EUROCONTROL Network Manager



1. Air operators:

- subject to the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, planning to

conduct operations in the affected airspace (EASA operators).

- third Country Operators authorised by EASA, when conducting operations under

their TCO authorisation to, from and within the EU (TCO operators).

2. EUROCONTROL Network Manager



Operators should not operate within the aforementioned airspace, including landing and departures from airports located in the affected airspace.

Additionally, operators should exercise caution when operating in the whole FIR Moscow (UUWV) and FIR Rostov (URRV) due to heightened military activity which may include launches of mid-range missiles penetrating into controlled airspace.

Operators are reminded that operations within FIR MINSK (UMMV) are prohibited in accordance with EASA Safety Directives SD-2021-02 and SD-2021-03.

Latest operational information on ‘Closures and warnings’ issued by means of ICAO State Letters, NOTAMs, AICs/AIPs, EASA CZIB may be found in the Network Manager NOP Portal (password protected version).

The Network Manager will publish the warning information on the Network Manager NOP Portal (public version) informing all Aircraft Operators about the Warning and direct them to the Network Manager NOP Portal (password protected version). In case a State or EASA, as competent authority, has implemented measures prohibiting the operators under its responsibility to use the affected airspace, the Network Manager should reject the FPLs where operations in that airspace are planned.

The situation remains fluid and subject to rapid change. EASA will monitor the developments in respect of this case and will adjust the recommendations accordingly.

Affected Countries:





Note: This Conflict Zones Information Bulletin (CZIB) is issued by EASA, acting in

accordance with Art. 88 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, to address an urgent safety



This CZIB is issued on the basis of information currently available to EU Member

States and EU institutions.

In the light of the latest developments, in particular:

 -The launch of military activities over the territory of Ukraine;

 -The urgent message of the Russian Ministry of Defence of high risk of flight safety of civil aircraft associated with use of weapon and military equipment effective from 0045 UTC on 24 February 2022 requesting the ATC units of Ukraine to take urgent measures to stop flights;

 -The NOTAM UKBV A0576/22 issued by Ukraine stating that flights of civil aircraft within FIR LVIV (UKLV), FIR KYIV (UKBV), FIR DNIPROPETROVSK (UKDV), FIR SIMFEROPOL (UKFV), FIR ODESA (UKOV) are restricted due to potential hazard for civil aviation;

 -The NOTAM URRV U0104/22 issued by Russia closing a portion of the southern FIR Rostov (URRV) airspace along the border with eastern Ukraine;

-The NOTAM A0043/22 issued by Moldova stating that FIR Chisinau is closed for all flights due to Ukrainian crisis;

Air operators are reminded that the areas mentioned above are an active conflict zone.

Under these circumstances, the aforementioned airspace and critical infrastructure, including airports, are exposed to military activities which result in safety risks forcivil aircraft. In particular, there is a risk of both intentional targeting and misidentification of civil aircraft.

The presence and possible use of a wide range of ground and airborne warfare systems poses a HIGH risk for civil flights operating at all altitudes and flight levels.

Valid date

90 days, unless reviewed earlier.


24 Feb 2022

Why Young Chinese Business Owners are Redefining the Number 4 According to evidence released by The Registry of Aruba and Chinese Metaphysics Master

Why Young Chinese Business Owners are Redefining the Number 4
According to evidence released by The Registry of Aruba and Chinese Metaphysics Master 

Press release 15 February 2022: The Registry of Aruba (TROA), a global one-stop aircraft registry for the business aviation sector has released the findings of a Chinese Metaphysics report that details the good luck associated with the number four. The report, which was developed in partnership with Chinese Metaphysics master, Susanne Shultz, comes in parallel with a surge in private jet demand from young business owners across Asia.

TROA, also known as “P4” because of the nationality mark that appears on all jets registered in Aruba, is a bespoke aircraft registry that services private jets and commercial aircraft. “We are like the DMV for aircraft” jokes TROA’s CEO Alexandria Colindres, one of aviation’s youngest female CEOs. “Our clients in Asia have changed a lot over our 35 years of operation; they are more progressive than before. Our young clients in Asia asked us to find out more about the meaning behind the number four and we were fascinated with what we discovered via the Chinese metaphysics investigation”.

TROA engaged Chinese metaphysics master, Suzanne Shultz, to uncover the energy associated with and meaning behind the number four. The report uncovered that the number four is linked to love, creativity, innovation, academia, adaptability, and family. TROA is a family-run business that serves clients around the world. “We care deeply about tradition and family values, but we’re young, adaptable, and ready to help aviation modernize. A fun element of this is numerology and how “good luck” plays into life and business. This is especially important to our clients in Asia”.

TROA registers aircraft including private jets, commercial, and corporate aircraft in Aruba through a public-private-partnership with the Aruban government. These aircraft have a “tail number” that starts with “P4” followed by a personalized series of numbers or letters. Examples include: P4-LUX, P4-JET, P4-ART, P4-SKY, and P4-888.  Clients personalize their tail numbers in the same way car owners choose their personalized number plate.

“In Asia, we have a growing number of inquiries from young business owners and entrepreneurs that have a different view to the previous generation(s). They respect and embrace their heritage while wanting to make new rules and apply logic and evidence-based theory to their beliefs”.



The Lucky Number 4

#4 – Flying Star in Feng Shui: In feudal Chinese society, public exams were conducted periodically at district, provincial and national levels for the purpose of recruiting scholars into the civil service, and subsequently promoting them within the service, all the way up to the Imperial Court. Becoming a senior government or imperial official was a widespread aspiration, as it represented a means to wealth and social status. The use of the to support one’s endeavors and studies was mandatory to achieve this goal. The modern equivalent would be academic excellence and success in writing, art, music, acting, and all kinds of creative pursuits and projects. The energy of the Star #4 helps one innovate, create and think outside the box, and is often used to support artists and people in creative industries.

#4 – Wind Trigram Gua - One of the key concepts for all calculations in Chinese Metaphysics is the concept of the “Ba Gua” (the 8 Trigrams). Out of the 8 Trigrams, the 64 Hexagrams of the Yijing Oracle are being formed. Each of the 8 Trigrams is associated with a number and an element. The #4 Trigram is the Xun Trigram, which represents gentle wind. Pictorially speaking, it is a gentle breeze blowing across a grassy meadow. The energy captured in this Trigram is a gentle, soft and caring one. It represents resourcefulness and the ability to adapt to change, much like grass being gently blown by the wind.

#4 – Eldest Daughter / Gua: In Chinese Metaphysics, all matters on Earth are represented by one of the 8 Trigrams, including family members. The #4 Trigram is the Xun Trigram, and within the context of a family unit, it is associated with the eldest daughter. This is because the Xun Trigram is a Yin (female) Trigram, more specifically a Senior Yin Trigram. In the Shuo Gua (说卦), a Numerology & Cosmology companion text to the Yijing Oracle, the number 4 Xun Gua is described as such: “The eldest daughter is the messenger of Heaven. She brings Heaven's orders and law to everything that exists. She inspires matter, all living creatures and all thoughts, vibrations, inclinations.” It is clear from the above, that the eldest daughter in Asian families is considered critical in maintaining the family unit.

#4 – Peach Blossom Star: In Chinese Metaphysics, “Romance Luck” is associated with the peach blossom flower. From a numerological perspective, the number 4 represents this Peach Blossom/Romance Luck. This stems from the fact that in Classical Feng Shui, the Flying Star #4 is activated whenever we need to usher in romance energies for a single person and create opportunities to meet more people of the opposite sex. Peach Blossom Luck goes beyond just Romance Luck. It is about attracting people and creating meaningful relationships in all aspects of life.

Report developed by Susanne Shultz on behalf of The Registry of Aruba

About The Registry of Aruba

TROA is the first public-private aircraft registry program in the world. As the Miami-based private partner of Aruba’s Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), TROA offers bespoke, 24/7 customer services to its global clients who register and maintain aircraft with the Aruban DCA. The Registry of Aruba Established in 1995 as the first privately managed aircraft registration programme rated Category-1 by the FAA, with a regulatory framework in compliance with international standards (ICAO). With a dedicated and experienced staff, TROA’s management and technical personnel are available 24/7 to offer personalized service. TROA provides excellence in service and creates long-lasting relationships with its customers. TROA offers unrivaled boutique solutions dedicated to preserving Air Safety First.


About Suzanne Shultz and Suzhong


Suzanne Shutlz is a Chinese Metaphysics master and founder of Suzhong Consulting. Suzhong Consulting bridges the gap between local Chinese Metaphysics Masters and cosmopolitan clients that require a modern, adaptive approach, and a deeper understanding and rationale for the remedies presented. Having lived and worked in Asia for three decades, and with extensive knowledge of business cultures in both Europe and Asia, Suzanne is uniquely positioned in her business experience and Chinese Metaphysics mastery. Suzanne has studied with Grandmaster Data Joey Yap and holding four master’s Degrees in Chinese Metaphysics. Suzhong Consulting is the only agency of its kind in Hong Kong to provide detailed audits, reports and services in English and at an exceptionally high standard. Suzanne is a specialist in classical Feng Shui audits, Bazi astrology consults, date selection services, and the Qimen Dunjia Advisory.

19 Nov 2021

Q&A with The Registry of Aruba Scholarship Recipient, Masa Alkodsi

While there have been significant changes in governmental and industry policies, women in aviation remain under-represented. The Registry of Aruba wants to help change that. We believe concrete steps are needed to advance gender equality in STEM and aviation, which is why we have established The Registry of Aruba Scholarship. The initiative is open to girls who wish to pursue programs in aviation at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus. Under the program, TROA awards $6,000 to an incoming freshman every year throughout her program at The College of Aviation at Embry-Riddle.

The first recipient of The Registry of Aruba Scholarship is Masa Alkodsi. Masa, who recently obtained her private pilot’s license, is majoring in Aeronautical Science. We had the pleasure of speaking with her to discuss the onset of her career in aviation and what it means to her to be a young woman in a male-dominated field. Read our Q&A with Masa below.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I grew up in the suburbs of Philly (and yes, I do take my cheesesteaks seriously), and have started my undergraduate at Embry Riddle pursuing Aeronautical science with plans to minor in Air Traffic Control and Airline Operations. It’s been challenging with so much changing at once starting education based around aviation with moving and being on my own, but I’ve come to manage it along with a great group of friends where we all push to help support each other from different backgrounds.

What sparked your interest in aviation?

Growing up I was that little girl that sits on the window seat and stare at the clouds as I pondered about how a plane gets up in the sky. From there it always stuck with me that I wanted to pursue something in the aviation industry, but it never struck me that women can be pilots because you don’t see that very often.

What led you to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical university?

All it took was a gut feeling to go for a career in the aviation industry, and Embry Riddle seemed like the perfect fitting school being known as one of the best aviation-based schools in the world.

You recently obtained your private pilot license- congratulations! Can you describe that journey?

It’s one of the best feelings knowing that this is just the first of many licenses. It gives me something to look at and push me to get my next license, which at this current time is my instrument rating.

What did it mean to you to have received The Registry of Aruba scholarship?

I am honored that I stuck out for the registry of Aruba scholarship. I have a dream bigger than myself, and any financial support helps to keep my dreams alive and take me to the next step of accomplishing my goals.

You graduate in 2027. What is your end goal as a woman in aviation?

My end goal as a woman in aviation is to inspire young girls to think about a career in not just aviation but the STEM field in general. You don’t often hear that a little girl wants to be a pilot or an engineer, and my goal is to change that.

Is there a future problem that you hope to solve through your education?

Since there is an increase demand for pilots due to covid and pilots retiring, it’s the perfect time for women to get into the industry and fill those spots. I hope that after that I am finishing my education, not only can I work in this career field but would love to be able to do philanthropic work or volunteer my time if my schedule would allow going to schools and speaking to young women about pursuing any dreams they have and giving advice for those interested in STEM careers, especially in the aviation industry.

What advice would you give other young women interested in pursuing a career in aviation but might be hesitant to do so?

To go for it and understand the misconception about the industry don’t exist anymore and that almost everyone in the industry is there to help you along the way.

What’s been the most amazing discovery you’ve made so far as a new college student? Everyone is going through the same struggles and that you are not alone.

I have a long road ahead of me to achieve my dreams as pilot; alongside inspiring young girls to get into the field. We often want to rush into getting things done, but I also want to take a few moments every once in a while, to sit back and enjoy the journey, and continue to grow as a woman in stem. I was told during my senior year in high school and from those I aspire to be like, that college can be the best 4 years of my life, and while I want to get everything done as quickly as possible, I also want to enjoy the journey for everything that it has to offer.

Statistics show that women are underrepresented in the aviation industry. Our mission with The Registry of Aruba scholarship is to inspire more women to pursue careers in aviation. Why do you think there are more men than women in aviation?

I believe from a young age girl are driven away from STEM through the use of conventionally gendered toys, where boys are generally given trucks and tools, girls are generally given dolls. One of my biggest goals through life, especially having been honored with the Registry of Aruba Scholarship, is to inspire more girls and young women to pursue their dreams in STEM related fields.


27 Oct 2021

OPMAS and The Aruba Registry | Online Seminar |  When Flying Within The EU

Nov. 30th, 2021 - EST @ 8:00 | GMT @ 13:00 | CET @ 14:00 | MSK @ 16:00 | GST @ 17:00 | HKT @ 21:00  

We are pleased to be able to partner with OPMAS as the purpose of the seminar is to brief and update aircraft owners, operators, and aviation advisers about the customs regulations when flying within the EU.

The presentation is partly a briefing and update of the standard importation and entry alternatives and partly a discussion of the most popular topics (Short & Sweet topics).




• Short intro by the Registry of Aruba 

• About Aruba, the Netherlands, and the EU 

• About OPMAS, Denmark and the EU 

• The two entry alternatives: 

• Full importation, update/briefing 

• Temporary Admission (TA) update/briefing 

• The Secure Temporary Admission procedure 

• The 3 top Short & Sweet topics, What are the facts, What is right and what is wrong? 

• Flying with EU-resident persons onboard? 

• Flying commercially within the EU? 

• What about private use of a corporate aircraft? 

• Flying to the UK post-Brexit? 

• Q&A 


The seminar, including the Q&A, will take around 45-50 minutes.

We will be looking forward to meeting all of you online.


OPMAS, has dealt with aircraft customs handling for more than two decades; importing and admitting more than 3,000 aircraft, strictly focused on aircraft importation and admission matters for aircraft owners and operators flying within the EU. 

25 May 2021

The Registry of Aruba Establishes Scholarship with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

As part of our mission to help bridge the gender gap in the aviation industry, we are thrilled to announce that we have established The Registry of Aruba Scholarship with Embry-Riddle University at Daytona.

The intent is to award an incoming freshman $6,000 every year throughout her program at The College of Aviation at Embry Riddle. The award will be made to a student, following the University's standard awarding schedule, meeting the established criteria listed below:

• Applicant must be an incoming female freshman student enrolled at the Daytona Beach Campus of the University as a full-time student;

• Applicant must be an incoming female freshman enrolled in the College of Aviation majoring in Aeronautical Science or in the College of Business majoring in Aviation Business Administration;

 Scholarship will be awarded to the same student in successive years as long as scholarship criteria continues to be met;

In addition to financial support, we aim to mentor the recipient as she initiates her career. We are beyond excited for this journey and feel fortunate to be able to establish a female-forward initiative.

30 Mar 2021

Breaking Records— Comlux's P4-787 Makes History With Longest Flight Recorded

Comlux’s Dreamliner P4-787, registered in Aruba, made history as it flew from Seoul to Buenos Aires— making it the longest flight ever recorded with a flight time of 20 hrs. and 19 min. The plane had six pilots on rotation with one engineer monitoring the plane. 

01 Feb 2021

The Registry of Aruba Names Alex Colindres as CEO

After nearly eight years working for The Registry of Aruba, Alexandria Colindres is stepping up as CEO, from her current role as COO of the company. Her father, the company’s founder, Jorge Colindres, will stay on as the Executive Chairman and CEO of ARG (Aviation Registry Group of Companies), The Registry’s holding (parent) company.

Ms. Colindres started at the company in the summer of 2013, performing public relations duties. Her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Tufts University and an MBA in Art Management at Columbia College inspired her to transform the company’s brand identity and attract new clients, as well as stabilizing the company’s core team. The staff of eleven, based in Miami, work closely with the DCA of Aruba to deliver timely aircraft registration to business and commercial aircraft clients. The partnership is at the heart of the company’s business, and Ms. Colindres is proud of her role in nurturing that relationship.

“Through the years, our relationship with the DCA has flourished. There has been a strong focus on team building between both organizations,” Ms. Colindres noted. . “The Registry of Aruba team and the DCA are an integrated, trusting team.”


Since Ms. Colindres joined the company, it has grown the commercial operation department from one AOC to seven. She credits this to the work of her staff, who have responded well to her team-building management style as COO. The company has limited turnover and offered more flexibility by restructuring the roles and positions to keep employees playing to their strengths.

“Before, our team was more compartmentalized. We did a lot of cross-training at work and team-building outside of the office. Now, we’re all revolving and working around each other. It’s like a solar system, circling each other, rather than being in our own galaxies,” Ms. Colindres explained.

The Registry of Aruba has always embraced innovation. Established in 1995 as the first public-private aircraft registration program, Aruba is managed, alongside the DCA, by a private team. This business model means customers are dealing with dedicated, personalized service instead of bureaucracy. The registration process is streamlined to exclude red tape while maintaining, at its core, a high level of safety, allowing owners and operators to fly unrestricted worldwide, as quickly as possible. This was nearly uncharted territory when The Registry began. Since its founding, ARG has developed two successful aircraft registries (Aruba and San Marino), with more on the horizon.

Since 2012, when the company developed the first online system for aircraft registration, electronic access has been a large part of the company’s brand. Ms. Colindres hopes to continue to become entirely digital in her tenure as CEO.

“As the company culture has changed, we’ve brought on many colleagues who are very pro-technology. Our goal is to keep the same high standard for safety and customer service as we innovate and evolve,” she says. “We truly believe in the importance of technology. Aviation is a very dynamic industry, and I believe the use of the appropriate technology is key in continuous innovation and success. We are committed to high safety standards, along with a core belief in providing our clients with an unparalleled level of service and support. Technology can help us accomplish both.”

In recognition of her achievements in the field, Ms. Colindres received the Sapphire Pegasus Business Aviation Award for Young Talent/Start-Ups in June 2019. One of a small number of women in the male-dominated field of aviation, she prefers to focus on the quality of her work rather than gender politics, though.

Going forward as CEO, Ms. Colindres is focusing on expanding The Registry’s clientele across the world. This will be a continuation of her recent success in attracting clients in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia.

“It’s about understanding cultures,” she said. “While developing our customer relationship, it became evident that some of our international clientele appreciate more face-to-face communication. I started that by going to Hong Kong and China to set up meetings and introduce myself. The Registry made it a priority to be present, and that has resulted in some big client relationships. I would like to expand that strategy to several other regions. The Aruba Registry has a lot to offer and it has been tried and tested throughout its now 26 years in operation,” Ms. Colindres explained.

Many clients choose The Registry of Aruba because their home base CAA’s are not customer service-oriented, or too focused on large-scale commercial aviation operations. In contrast, Aruba prioritizes business aviation clients and bespoke service to each client as its core business. With that in mind, Ms. Colindres plans to expand The Registry’s clientele base in Mexico, India, and Africa.

Even as Covid-19 creates volatility and challenges in aviation, The Registry of Aruba will continue to navigate those challenges - and their clients - across the globe with Ms. Colindres at the helm.

20 Apr 2020

Comlux is utilizing P4-XTL for medical cargo flights in the fight against COVID-19

Comlux Aruba has diversified its VIP charter activity to medical cargo flights.


Thanks to the outstanding cargo hold of, P4-XTL, Crystal Skye 777-200LR, they can support the global medical transport needs against COVID-19.

Chartered by Rubber Products Distributors, P4-XTL, landed in Indianapolis carrying approximately 20 tons of medical cargo to support the COVID-19 efforts in Indiana, US.


27 Mar 2020

We Are Here For You

We are not sure what our message can provide you during these anxious and fearful times. However, as we write this, we are reminded that the aviation industry is more of a family than just a group of colleagues. We hope all of you can remember the importance of this sense of community and that it provides you with a similar sense of comfort during these trying times.


Know that there will always be a helping hand for you at The Registry of Aruba, and we are moving quickly to adapt to your changing needs resulting from COVID-19.

To say it simply for the past 25 years, The Registry of Aruba has been at the pinnacle of excellence for the registration of Private, Corporate, and Commercial aircraft. Priding ourselves in offering unrivaled bespoke solutions dedicated to preserving the highest level of operational safety for all our aircraft.


We hope you all stay safe and strong and can't wait for the next time we get to see each other again!

01 Feb 2020

Corporate Jet Investors London 2020

3 & 4 February | Corporate Jet Investor London | The Landmark London | 500 delegates

"There are several business aviation conferences over the year and each one requires our significant investment and management time to attend." 

Director of the DCA of Aruba, Mr. Edwin Kelly will be participating in a panel discussion on Feb. 3rd at16.20 Safety: The industry’s number one priority

We encourage everyone who can make it, to come; we are proud to say that we continue to be Lead Sponsors of such a fantastic networking event.

08 Jan 2020

See you in Dublin - AirFinance Journal Dublin 2020

We are so excited to participate for the first time ever in Dublin's Airfinance Journal Conference, Jan. 21 - 23rd, as Gold Sponsors.

For more information on the conference:

01 Jan 2020

The 25 years of The Registry of Aruba

¡Pabien Registry of Aruba!

For the past 25 years our mission has been to bring the bespoke experience to aircraft registration. Since our inception we’ve been developing an aircraft registry that fosters a culture of innovation and provides clients with an unparalleled level of service & support.

We are celebrating a quarter century of Innovation in the aircraft registry sector. We are the pioneers of a first of its kind registry and continue to develop new systems while growing our client services.

We offer a seamless & modern registry, supported by a global network of qualified registration, certification, and inspection team members that coordinate all of the details associated with registering your aircraft.

Acting as your aviation concierge, we leverage our 25 years of experience and a knowledgeable team of regulatory professionals that are dedicated to providing clients with meticulous support.

We expedite the registration process to free up our clients most valuable resource, time.


Helping you fly since 1995.



12 Dec 2019

BestFly Celebrate 10 Years In Operation

A very warm congratulations to BestFly for their 10 years of operation. We look forward to seeing what they will accomplish in the next 10 years! 

Co-Founder, Nuno Pereira had this to say: 

"Hell of ride! Thanks guys for the hard work and effort. Any organisation is only Best when it’s team is the best. And We do have the best team."

08 Nov 2019


Join us at Corporate Jet Investors's Miami Conference, November 12 - 13 at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Alexandria Colindres will be participating in a panel discussion on Nov. 12th at 14.30 Simplifying operations and registrations.

We encourage everyone who can make it, to come; we are proud to say that we continue to be Lead Sponsors of such a fantastic networking event.

We hope to see you all there!!
To register for the event:

29 Oct 2019

P4-CLA's New Paint Job

P4-CLA under the management of Comlux Aruba N.V. is looking amazing with its brand new paint job!

Great work by Comlux's completion center in Indy! 👏🏻🔥


Go to our Instagram to see the full transformation! 

05 Jun 2019

Congratulations to our COO

Congratulations to our COO - Ms. Alexandria Colindres on winning the Sapphire Pegasus Business Aviation Award for Young Talent/Start-Up!! 

When asked, this is what Alexandria had to say:

I am sincerely grateful and humbled for this nomination and I am pleased to accept the Young Talent/Start Up award; joining past recipients who I have long admired and respected.

Most awards are the result of more than just the awardee's efforts, and I believe it's important to recognize those who might have contributed to my success over the years. In this world, we stand on the shoulders of all those who have supported us — be it members of my staff, my family and the wonderful aviation community that has so graciously welcomed me.

I am so honored to have my work recognized in this way by SPBAA and I hope that this recognition of my work can serve as an inspiration to others. Inspiration, especially to younger women entering the aviation industry at this time - if my work can make a difference, so can yours. I will continue in my efforts in developing a leading class safety program in Aruba combined with the highest level of service  and look forward to building stronger relationships within the aviation community and facility the advancement of aviation safety practices by continually trying to exceed industry expectation.

Again, I am humbled and appreciative. Thank you


For More Information on SPBAA:


26 May 2019

See you in Geneva | EBACE 2019

It is starting to look a lot like EBACE!

EBACE 2019, come say Hello to Excellence located at Booth # R89

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